In an increasingly uncertain world, the military nursing profession faces unprecedented challenges to the delivery of quality care to its primary dependencies. Global nursing workforce shortages have created pressures in the recruitment and retention of highly skilled military nurses. This shortage causes further impact at a time when a modern military operating environment demands the support of those readily able to adapt to the
increasingly technical and governance-driven capabilities. Military nurses are regularly
deploying or being seconded into Joint or Coalition practice settings where there is a variable baseline of skills, qualification, experience, governance and even culture.
This workforce mismatch creates challenges in building truly interoperable military
nursing workforces and in providing an operating platform that is flexible enough to accommodate these differences. increasingly technical and governance-driven capabilities. Military nurses are regularly deploying or being seconded into Joint or Coalition practice settings where there is a variable baseline of skills, qualification, experience, governance and even culture.
The Nursing and Paramedic Technical Committee of the ICMM invites you to join us in exploring these issues, and others, which affect you as military nurses. The session will include presentations and a panel session from which to generate discussion on military nursing-specific themes. It will also provide a unique opportunity for you to interact with
likeminded colleagues from the international military nursing community. Join us as we try to understand each of our deploying capabilities and how we can better work together
to meet the challenges that an uncertain world presents to our international community.